About Us

We are an Elder-led church.
At Mt. Gilead, we have adopted what we believe Scripture teaches as the Biblical model for church leadership. Our church is spiritually guided by men who have demonstrated a life of integrity and sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit and God's Word (see Titus 1:5-9).

The Elders assist the Teaching Pastor/Elder by providing spiritual leadership and guidance for our church family. They are unpaid volunteers who have families, jobs and responsibilities away from our church but are always willing to serve, answer questions and help with concerns.

Meet our Elders – 

Serving alongside the Pastor:

Dan Dunnahoo – Dan is a long time member of Mt Gilead.  You can find him many days at 1828 Coffee Company in the Zebulon square where he worked to restore the old building.  Dan has one adult daughter and 2 grandchildren.  He also leads two of our 242 groups.  

Randall Harris- Randall and his wife Charlotte have served as Pastors in many churches over the years and find themselves back at Mt. Gilead often as “home”.  They have 2 adult sons and you might also find them out in the community working at craft shows.  

Larry Mattox-Larry and his wife Deana have served as Pastors in many churches over the years but God brought them to Mt. Gilead and we are grateful for their service in our church. 

Our Deacons serve our church by organizing committees and ministries.  They also check on our church members to help meet the needs of our family.  If you have specific needs then please reach out to a Deacon who can assist in connecting you with the appropriate committee or ministry. See 1 Timothy 3:8-13.  


Don Birath – Don and his wife Linda are long time members of Mt. Gilead.  Don teaches a Men’s Sunday School class and he and Linda both help with our Men’s and Women’s ministries.  They have 2 adult children and 2 grandchildren.  

Mike Weaver – Mike and his wife Terri lead our Young Adults ministry. Mike also heads up the First Impressions Team and will likely be one of the first people you will meet as you enter our church.  Terri serves with our Women’s Ministry Team and they are both very active in our Children’s Ministry where many of the kids lovingly refer to them as ‘ “Nana and Poppa” They have 2 adult children and 3 grandchildren.  

Travis Fleming – Travis serves alongside his wife Mandy who is our Children’s Director and you will also see Travis on the drums during the music portion of our worship service.  They also lead worship for the Young Adult 242 groups on someTuesdays. They have 3 children.  

Derek Morris – Derek and his wife Marsha are active in the Youth Ministry, Children’s ministry, teaching Sunday School, and volunteering in all areas of church ministry. They have three children. 

James Klemm- James and his wife Jenny are actively involved in our Children’s ministry as Sunday School teachers for our 3rd-6th graders. James is also the head of the audio visual team and Jenny serves in multiple areas including our First Impressions Team. They have 3 children, 1 grandson and a grandaughter on the way. 

Lon Fleming- Lon and Janice Fleming are longstanding and devoted members of Mt. Gilead who are active participants in all events and outreach activities. Lon is the head of the Security Team and they both volunteer through giving of their time, talents, and experience. They have 2 adult sons and 5 grandkids. 


We believe that prayer and keeping our eyes focused on Jesus Christ are essential ingredients to living our lives faithfully according to God’s Word.

John 15:5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” (ESV)

As a church, we place a unique emphasis on praying for the needs of one another. Our alter is open for prayer every Sunday during the invitation. You can also share prayer needs in small group settings by connecting with a 242 group, or during a Sunday School setting.  Our staff, elders, and deacons are always ready and willing to pray with you.  Reach out any time. 

We also have scheduled prayer meetings throughout the year.  


Throughout the New Testament, you will find that fellowship and unity are two overwhelming characteristics of the early church (see Acts 2:42). At Mt. Gilead, we strive to create opportunities for God’s people to enjoy that same type of love. Small groups are an important aspect of Mt. Gilead as we seek to partner together in prayer and studying God’s Word while we fellowship together over something we all enjoy. . . FOOD


As a church we have a passion for seeing all peoples of all nations come to know the one true God and His Son Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior! This mission is first fulfilled right here in our community as we obediently share the Gospel, baptize new believers and disciple them to be obedient to all that Christ has commanded us to do. (Matthew 28:19-20)