Children's Ministry
Growing Faith
Ephesians 3:16-18 NIRV I pray that He will use His glorious riches to make you strong. May His Holy Spirit give you His power deep down inside you. Then Christ will live in your hearts because you believe in Him. And I pray that your love will have deep roots. I pray that it will have a strong foundation.
Our mission is based on Eph. 3:16-18
Rooted, Grounded, and Established
At Mt. Gilead, we view it as a privilege to come alongside parents in the training and spiritual development of the children within our church. Discipleship is a core part of our Children’s Ministry. We focus on creating opportunities for all of our children to be in discipleship relationships. It is our hope and prayer that as you enter our newly renovated Mt. Gilead Kids Center that you feel welcome, and know that your child is loved and valued.
To learn more about our Children’s Ministry or tour the Mt. Gilead Kids Center to check out the renovations and updates, please contact our Children’s Ministry Director Mandy Fleming.
Sunday Worship
On Sunday at 9:30 am we offer childcare for newborns-2yrs old, and Sunday School for 3yrs old and up in the Mt Gilead Kids Center (currently under renovations as the previous preschool area) We use “Bible Studies For Life Curriculum” that coincides with almost all of the other classes so that no matter the age of anyone in your family, you can all go home with the same focus.
At 10:45, the main worship service begins. Childcare is available for newborns through K4. Children’s Church dismisses from the Welcome Center after the music portion of our Worship service and is for K5-3rd graders. They meet in the Mt. Gilead Kids Center.
Wednesday Night
On Wednesday at 6:30 PM we offer childcare for newborns up to K4. K5-6th graders meet for Team Kid. We all start out together for Warm Up and then divide into Teams grouped by age and grade for our Lesson, and Memory Verse activities. We all join back together for games, snacks, and a Mission Focus. At least once a quarter we celebrate with what we call “Big Wednesday” where we have a party.
For event information and to keep up to date with what’s happening with Mt. Gilead Kids, click here to go to the Mt. Gilead Kids Facebook page.
All of our Children’s Teachers and Staff have completed background checks and appropriate training.